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Christmas 2020

In this year of Covid It has been a hard year for many clients, and yet many others were unaffected. I have been very grateful to have been able to work wherever my computer can plug into the internet. I produced my Christmas Greetings with a gift of a matching...

Web Site Popularity

Google is in the business of remaining the Number One search engine. They have got there by giving their clients the most relevant, reliable, and quality search results on any given inquiry. This means that Google will only serve results that have a “quality” answer to the question being asked.

Beware of Cheap SEO

The Question of “How Do I get My Web Page on Page 1 of Google?” comes up all the time, and because its so desirable, its naturally really tempting to be taken in by the wild promises for instant Page 1 results!

Short vs Long Domain Names

Are you thinking about buying a domain name for your new business or website? Not sure if a long URL or a short one is better? How do URLs affect a website’s SEO, or search engine optimization? Can they help, or actually harm a site?